thoraxe.utils package
thoraxe.utils.folders module
folders: Util functions to create output folder structure.
- thoraxe.utils.folders.create_subfolder(folder, subfolder)
Return path to the subfolder. It creates the folder if it doesn’t exist.
thoraxe.utils.species module
species: Util functions to get the species list.
- thoraxe.utils.species.check_species_name(species_name)
Return True if the species_name has the correct format.
The expected name is binomial. Trinomial names aren’t used but they don’t raise an error. If the species_name doesn’t conform the expected format an error is raised.
>>> check_species_name('homo_sapiens') True >>> check_species_name('colobus_angolensis_palliatus') False >>> check_species_name('cricetulus_griseus_chok1gshd') False
- thoraxe.utils.species.get_species_list(specieslist)
Return a list of species names (str).
>>> get_species_list('') >>> get_species_list('homo_sapiens,mus_musculus') ['homo_sapiens', 'mus_musculus']
thoraxe.utils.split module
split: Util functions to split s-exons.
- thoraxe.utils.split.split_exons(exons)
Return a list of the s-exons in the string.
>>> split_exons('3_0/3_1') ['3_0', '3_1'] >>> split_exons('4_0') ['4_0']
- thoraxe.utils.split.split_lengths(lengths, seq)
Return a list of the s-exon lengths, len(seq) if there is not data.
>>> import numpy as np >>> split_lengths('4/2', 'MLGHAC') [4, 2] >>> split_lengths('6', 'MLGHAC') [6] >>> split_lengths('', 'MLGHAC') [6] >>> split_lengths(np.nan, 'MLGHAC') [6]
- thoraxe.utils.split.split_seqs(sequences, seq)
Return a list with the s-exon sequences.
>>> split_seqs('MLGH/AC', 'MLGHAC') ['MLGH', 'AC'] >>> split_seqs('MLGHAC', 'MLGHAC') ['MLGHAC'] >>> split_seqs('', 'MLGHAC') ['MLGHAC'] module
Windows: Functions useful for testing and Windows support.
Return True in Windows.
Module contents
utils: A collection of functions to use in different places of thoraxe.